Thursday, 9 January 2014

Seven Reasons Why Moving Back Into Your Parents' House Isn't the Worst Thing in the World

I just have to accept it, and try to make the best of this.

After four months of lovely freedom in my own lil apartment, I have to give it up and move back in with my parents.  Roommate problems, and money problems, and other assorted grownup problems suck, but giving up my independence and living under my parents' roof sucks harder.

But, that's the way things have to be, for a while at least.  So I'd better just accept it and look at the positive parts of this shitty situation.

1. FREE LIVING!  Honestly, this is the one I have to keep reminding myself of.  Without rent, and power bills, and grocery bills, I'm going to have a surplus of dollars.  I haven't had any fun with my money since I moved out, so it'll be a nice change to be able to enjoy what I've earned, instead of having to budget every penny in order to afford my life.

2. Warmth!  Literally.  My apartment is always cold.  Going home to mom and dads' and just stepping on their warm floor is always nice.  So living in a climate that's not antarctic is going to be a nice change.

3.  NO shoveling!  Between having a roommate that doesn't help out, a huge driveway, and living in the land of the ice and snow, this winter has been brutal.  I've gained muscle mass because of all the snow clearing I've done.  My parents, however, live right near the ocean in a windy place, so they hardly ever need to clear the driveway.  And if they do, my good ol' daddy-o can take care of it with his snowblower.

4.  Less driving!  My friends live near my parents, my work is near my parents, my parents are right there.  All the places I go are super close, which means I'll spend a whole lot less time (and money!!!) getting around in my normal life.

5.  Quiet!  My parents are lovely quiet people.  My landlord, who lives above me, is not.  No more hearing thumping around furniture in the middle of the night, or crazy children running around allllll the time.  Plus, I don't have to worry about "waking the baby upstairs" if I have my music on too loud.  Win win.

6.  Cable!  Because of being poor, I have no idea what's going on in any current TV shows, or in the news, or anything to do with celeb gossip.  I'm more out of the loop than I would have expected!  Soooon I'll be back in the know.

7.  My mama!  I know, at times I'm going to be going crazy from such close contact with both my parents.  But for the most part I like having my mom around.  We hang out and talk a lot, so being able to just go upstairs and see what she's doing will be good again.

It's going to be a weird adjustment for a while, but as long as I stay positive, I probably won't go crazy. Here it goes, family living 2.0!

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